"There is zero correlation between IQ and emotional empathy... They're controlled by different parts of the brain." – Daniel Goleman

EQ is the Secret to Success and Happiness!

The Emotional Intelligence Charitable Trust was set up by the founders of EQ-AdvantEdge (click here to visit site), in order to equip the underprivileged children of South Africa with some of the advantages necessary to successfully navigate an ever-more changing and challenging world. For us at EQ-Trust, it is of paramount importance to create the opportunity for our children in South Africa to get a running start and good emotional foundation.

The team at EQ-Trust have developed emotional intelligence and leadership courses that are offered to underprivileged children and teenagers. These courses are perfect for enhancing emotional intelligence skills such as interpersonal, intrapersonal, self-esteem, anger and conflict management, communication skills, relaxation and nutritional awareness, how to use the brain more effectively, make the right decisions, see that we have choices in life, decrease violence and learn how to react better. The courses have already been running for six years in pre-primary, primary and high schools in KZN. The EQ-Trust has the goal to reach children and teenagers nationwide and help them to change, to become happy, emotionally mature and successful adults. EQ can be learned and we are passionate about transformation as we think that this is the answer to a violence-free society.

Please help us transform SA! We have started a "Hands-up for EQ" campaign to create awareness in SA to get emotional intelligence education into schools. We are asking people to support our project by lifting up their hand and taking a picture of themselves (like a high 5) or by sponsoring children in townships.

Research has proven that a high EQ (which can be learned) creates better leaders and a happier (less violent) society. EQ helps to promote better emotional awareness, communication, self-esteem and decision making. This is so necessary in our country. Our courses/projects are geared to go to all schools in SA (cities and townships) and promote these important skills.

Why is EQ important for the children of South Africa?

As Daniel Goleman quoted in his research: "IQ will get you through school, but EQ will get you through life." This is particularly true for the South African context. So many children and teenagers in South Africa have inadequate social skills, suffer from anxiety, are the subjects of bullying and violence, cannot concentrate, have sleeping problems and even show depressive PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms. Children facing these challenges don’t have the opportunity to develop the skills to cope well in life and often don’t have role models. They tend to slip into behaviour behavior patterns, such as crime and violence. Especially in our country, we see an excessive amount of violent behaviour due to a lack of emotional skills. This often is a result of many parents dying from exposure to HIV/AIDS, divorcing and breaking up the family unit or simply as a result of not having the time and the funds to educate their children. Sadly, another factor is the repetition of learned behaviour, as a result of having grown up in a violent household themselves. Did you know that the most criminially active generation are the teenagers that are between 12-19 years?

It was the aforementioned factors, as well as the awareness of the dire need for emotional coping skills, that prompted us to formulate the courses. To date, we feel that there are no other similar or sufficient courses available to the children of South Africa.

Children with a high EQ are able to motivate themselves to follow through and achieve their goals. They are able to show empathy in understanding other people’s emotions, which helps them to relate to others.

By equipping these children with EQ skills we are teaching them to be better equipped to tackle problems, to build communication skills which intern helps them to follow rules and understand accountability.

Parents often parent as they were parented. Please help us to help these children to become the best citizens and parents that they can become.

We have started a campaign for our EQ-Trust to create awareness in SA to get emotional intelligence education into schools where kids really need more emotional support.

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As Daniel Goleman quoted in his research (www.danielgoleman.info):
"IQ will get you through school, but EQ will get you through life." This is particularly relevant for the South African context.

Our Supporters

Bianca Warren
Durban Designer

"Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. It is important to know how to feel, how to respond, and how to let life in so that it can touch you." - Jim Rohn
Chia Kougianos
Editor of Vice South

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle
Stafford Masie
Former CEO of Google Africa and developer of Pebble Payment Device

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." - Albert Einstein
Sharlene McGilvary
UCI BMX World Champion Women's World Title

"IQ gets you though school, but EQ gets you through life." - Daniel Goleman
Simone Botha
Miss Deaf South Africa

"Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams no matter how absurd or impossible they may look."
Warren Duffield
Current All Star World Champion In Line Dancing

"Emotional Intelligence is when you finally realise its not all about you." - Peter Stark
Bradley Tandy
SA's next Fastest 50 Free Swimmer

"We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us - how we can take it, what we do with it - and that is what really counts in the end." - Joseph Fort Newton
Delron Buckley
Former Bafana Bafana Player

"Learning how to become emotionally literate is one of the best investments that human beings can make for themselves, their children, and the future." - Ayman Sawaf
John Ellis
Former SA Swimmer

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving... and that's your own self." - Aldous Huxley
Lisa Raleigh
Fitness, Wellness and Media Expert

"What really matters for success, character, happiness and lifelong achievements is a definite set of emotional skills - your EQ - not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests." - Daniel Goleman, Ph.D
Lourens Adriaanse
Sharks Rugby Player

"True compassion means not only feeling another’s pain, but also being moved to help relieve it." - Daniel Goleman
Marco Wenzel
Sharks Rugby Player

"Emotions are the untapped resource of every organisation." - Timothy Warneka
Nedene Cahill
Gold Medal winner UCI MTB Masters World Championships 2013 and 2015

"We think too much and feel too little." - Charlie Chaplin
Scott Pitman
MD of Rainbow Chicken

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle
Tim Noakes
Professor in Sport Science Author of Real Meal Revolution Book

"When a person has access to both the intuitive, creative, and visual right brain, and the analytical, local, verbal left brain, the whole brain is working … and this tool is best suited to the reality of what life is, because life is not just logical – it is also emotional." - Stephen Covey
Till Schenk
Germany, International 70.3 Triathlon Commentator and IronMan

"It is about education through sport. EQ-Advant-Edge are successfully helping South African kids to develop emotional intelligence - a must have tool to break out of the circle of poverty and aggression. The coloured hand is the symbol for the project. Help spread the word."
Austin Smith
SA Hockey Captain

"Improving the general emotional intelligence of people in our country would have a profound affect with how we manage our emotions and stress levels. Imagine the impact on society if we were all able to recognise our emotional state and control? While life is only becoming more demanding we need the tools to deal with it effectively"
Adrien Niyonshuti
Rwanda, 2012 London Olympian for MTB

Valens Ndayisenga
Rwanda, National Road Cycling Champion

Rutendo Nyahora
Zimbabian Proffessional Athelete

"Our past and background does not determine our future. We all fall but we rise again. Failure is only when one quits trying. Everything looks beautiful when we remove the flaws. You're not alone in this world. We love you"
Caroline Wostmann
Comrades Winner 2015

"Self-belief and an awareness that one is entitled to one’s own views is vital to individual success. Children need to be taught that they have voice and can achieve their dreams and goals through discipline and hard work. Being mentally strong and having emotional intelligence is key to their future success."
Ravi R
DJ at Megazone Radio


"Bethany enjoyed her EQ Advant-Edge experience! She particularly valued the session on bullying and dealing with difficult days at school! Thank you for an empowering experience!" – Cindy
"I just want to thank the staff, doing the training, for a pleasant environment they gave the children that Charlie enjoyed and looked forward going back to every morning. I can see already a change in Charlie's communication skills and how he handles problem situations. He also tells his friends every afternoon when he gets home what he has learned and what the "teacher" taught him to with bullies at school." – Pieter Blatt
"Kevin has always been a happy and friendly person; and managed to project an outer show of confidence, but being the youngest in a large family is not always easy. During this course I have seen an inner confidence emerging in the way he is able to show his feelings and why others might react in certain ways. He has learnt to view situations from a different perspective and to communicate his ideas with confidence in himself." – Clair Dyer
"Zowe has thoroughly loved the course. She looks forward to attending the class each day and comes home with interesting info, which she shares with us, from explaining emotions, identifying feelings and even teaching us calming and relaxing exercises" – Craig
"I sent my son to this holiday club to help him learn to deal with his emotions – mainly fear and anxiety. After just a week, I could see how he's grown in confidence, understands his emotions and can now deal with them all." – Johanna
"I would recommend this to my friends. I had fun, enjoyed myself and learned a lot! I learned how to be responsible for myself, how to make friends, learned how to deal with my problems and understand my emotions." – Brinley
"Sean enjoyed the course and surprisingly didn't complain or resist going daily, even though it meant waking up earlier in the holidays. He enjoyed the material and made a few friends in the process." – Lin
© Copyright EQ-TRUST 2025